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Closing the Bones Ceremony - 1 Hrs
1-1 Rebozo Massage at The Mama Blossom Studio
Service Description
For the 1 hours treatment, this a short introductory session where we will assess what works for you. This may include....... wrapping a Rebozo (shawl) around your hips, like a hammock, and gently rocking your hips in a distinctive rhythm – a process we call ‘sifting’ – , allowing the lower vertebrae to be released and allowing mobilisation of the pelvis and hips. If you wish we can follow by a gentle but firm abdominal massage which works from your pubic bone up to your ribs. The focus during the abdominal massage is to remove tension in the uterus and bladder and work into the hip bones, thus releasing blocked and stagnated energy. The massage includes the breaking up of adrenalin crystals which have formed on the hip bones and indicate unresolved emotion and trauma. Ultimately, the massage helps to draw your energy back to your creative centre: your womb. We may continues with a second round of ‘sifting’ (rocking the hips in the Rebozo shawl). Finally, this Rebozo is firmly tied around your hips and abdomen to hold the uterus and bladder in place. We then continue by closing your skull/forehead, shoulders, knees and ankles as well with Rebozo shawls. I cover you up nice and warm and give you a lavender eye pillow to allow even deeper relaxation. Once ‘closed’ you are able to lie quietly as long as you wish or need while gentle music can play. Emotional release is possible and I will hold the space for you to go through this. The firm hold of the cloth allows you to let go and go deep inside. Please be aware the 1 hour treatment isn't a complete closing the bones treatment but tailored to specific requirements
Cancellation Policy
Refunds and Cancellations Mama Blossom is under no obligation to refund or transfer your money in the event that you are unable to attend part of or the entire course. They are not obliged to guarantee an alternative class for missed lessons (unless this is due to them cancelling class). For a pregnancy class, if mum has baby early or during a course a pro rata refund will be given or credited towards baby classes if they run locally. In the unfortunate event you should suffer a miscarriage when attending a pregnancy class, please inform Mama Blossom and we will arrange a FULL refund.
Contact Details
Mama Blossom Studio, Stenson, Derby, UK