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Caesarean Scar Self Massage Workshop Sat
3.30pm to 5pm Saturday 15th March - Stenson, Derby Self Scar Massage and Exercise for Recovery
Available spots
Service Description
It is recommended you do 2 to 3 of these workshops 1-2 months apart so you can practice the techniques between sessions and build upon them in each workshop. You can start any time from 4 weeks to several years following a caesarean. Mid week and weekend sessions you are welcome to come alone or with baby Workshops involve massage, movement, chat and relaxation. Limited to just 4 mums per workshop and run at the Mama Blossom Studio in Stenson (DE73 7HL). 1-1's are also available here or your own home (£50) A scar can have a lifelong effect both physically and mentally. Scar tissue has the potential to spread in any direction including internally throughout the body. It can also restrict movement or function anywhere in the body from a joint to an organ. Scar tissue release therapy is extraordinarily simple to learn, easy to apply and gives powerful results that can prevent a lifetime of complications and pain. We need to understand the physical long term consequences of having a caesarean birth, and how to care for the scar and deeper layers beneath. There are many issues that can be caused by the scar tissue under and around the incision area of your abdomen. Some of the issues reported by women who have scarring to their abdominal area are Pain on intercourse Pain on ovulation Pain on passing urine or opening bowels Impaired bladder and bowel function and control Poor postural alignment, reduced activation of the pelvic floor Inability to repair abdominal diastasis (separation of the tummy muscles) A weakened core system. Loss of sensitivity Lower back/ pelvis pain Exercise, mobilisation and massage of the scar are essential for freeing up deeper layers of scar tissue and helping to improve posture, mobility, core stability, reduce discomforts, improve fertility.... WHERE The workshop runs at the Mama Blossom Studio in Stenson, Derby What to Wear Loose comfortable clothing is preferable. It's is preferable to massage directly on the skin (no oil) but if more comfortable to, you can do this over your clothes
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Refunds and Cancellations Mama Blossom is under no obligation to refund or transfer your money in the event that you are unable to attend part of or the entire course. They are not obliged to guarantee an alternative class for missed lessons (unless this is due to them cancelling class). For a pregnancy class, if mum has baby early or during a course a pro rata refund will be given or credited towards baby classes if they run locally. In the unfortunate event you should suffer a miscarriage when attending a pregnancy class, please inform Mama Blossom and we will arrange a FULL refund.
Contact Details
Mama Blossom Studio, Stenson, Derby, UK